Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Blog 12: Interview 4 Prep

Content: Post 20 open-ended questions you want to ask an expert in the field concerning your senior project. The focus of your questions should be on your answer to your EQ.
  1. What do you think the best answer is for my EQ? How can a vet reduce stress in an animal during a vet visit?
  2. What do you think of my answer one? Interact with  the animal while it is inside the kennel?
  3. What do you think of my answer two? Comfort the animal during and after the animal is being treated?
  4. What do you think of my answer three? Doctor patient consultation? (talking about the animal and all the info needed to take care of the animal.)
  5. Are there any methods that you use to reduce stress in the animals you treat?
  6. Is there anything specific i should be looking for if i want to be a vet?
  7. what colleges would you recommend for the field of veterinary medicine?
  8. What school did you go to for your education?
  9. What would you recommend in the context of what i should do to expand my knowledge of veterinary medicine?
  10. What type of personality should one have to be a Vet?
  11. What is the hardest part of being a Vet?
  12. What is the best part about being a Vet?
  13. How do you try to alleviate stress from the animals that come in to be treated.
  14. How would you handle a stressed animal that tries to escape?
  15. How do you handle an aggressive animal?
  16. What do you think is the most stressful thing for an animal when its about to be treated?
  17. How would you handle a stressed owner?
  18. Do you think if the owner is stressed then the animal gets stressed too?
  19. Does the animal being stressed affect how it reacts to the treatment or other medicine?
  20. How would you help the animals become distressed if you find out that they are stressed?

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